
Lactation Consultation Portuguese – English – Spanish

Gesundbrunnen, Berlin

I’m a biology doctor and an International board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC).

After over 4 years of practical, supervised consultations and 90+ hours of studies, I gained my IBCLC license in January of 2024.

I’ve been helping new parents feed their babies for 4 years, and I’m dedicated to helping families to feel confident, empowered, and capable of feeding their babies, their way.

I am mainly following international families and Portuguese-speaking families.

Prenatal Support: €90 + home care fee

One 2-2:30h visit in your home or online, any time from 30 weeks of pregnancy.
Single visit: €100 + home care fee

One 60-90-minute visit in your home or on-line at any time from the 1st day post-partum to the end of the baby’s first year.
Call: €20/15 minutes

(Home care fee: €0,75/km within Berlin. Fixed fee to Brandenburg – €20.)

Extended care and mentoring are available upon request.



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